
As predicted in my last post, about 5 minutes after hitting publish, I went looking for something to clean my palate get rid of my cilantro breath.

After rummaging a bit in the freezer, I found the dark chocolate mini pb cups I had stashed there after Christmas. I figured a taste test was in order, you know, to make sure they didn’t have freezer burn or anything 😉

No worries, they’re still good!

I did homework for another hour or two until I started to feel hungry.

I topped a small white corn tortilla with sunflower seed butter and fig jam and then put it in the toaster oven for about 3 minutes. I dipped the triangles into some plain yogurt topped with some sugar, chocolate, & coffee bean grindings. I also had a clementine.

My snack powered me through a couple of hours of good homework AND some race searching. Let’s just say I have the rest of 2012 pretty much planned out in terms of racing 😉

I made my taco soup recipe for dinner. I went on a whim and added frozen peas to mine. It was a nice switch up! I also tried a new cornbread recipe but both Ian and I thought it was bland so I won’t post it for you guys. Now what do I do with the leftover cornbread?

I topped my soup with some tortilla chips and shredded cheese.


After a hot dinner I wanted something cool for dessert. I mixed pumpkin, greek yogurt, peanut flour, and a little maple syrup and topped it with granola (+ two cereal squares) and raisins.

It hit the spot.

I have a little more homework to get to and then I’m calling it a night, finally.

What’s the best thing you ate today?

Date Night {people}

Last night Ian and I went to people, a tapas bar in Wicker Park.

We started with their red wine sangria (I could not win with this picture, sorry guys!).

It was good but it didn’t wow me. It was also really really weak. Now, I’m not trying to get hammered on date night, but if I’m drinking I want to taste a little bit of the alcohol. I kind of felt like I was drinking a juice box 😉 .

Our first small plate was an order of the patata bravas: potatoes, roasted red pepper aioli.

This dish may not look like much but it was packed with so much flavor! Plus, I’m not going to deny that I love home fries and these patatas reminded me of a spicy, salty homefry. Yum!

Next we had the pastel de vegetales: pan seared seasonal vegetable cake, tomato buerre blanc.

This was another winner and I think Ian was surprised to find that he really liked it as well! The cake had a nice doughy texture and the sauce was very flavorful.

We also split an order of the gambas: cazuela style sizzling chili shrimp, garlic bread.

The shrimp were good, but nothing I wouldn’t expect from a restaurant. I skipped out on the garlic bread so I can’t comment on it but Ian seemed to like his piece.

Lastly, we had the scallops: yukon gold potato and vegetable sofrito, crispy serrano.

The scallops were really good and I’m picky with scallops. However, I guess I didn’t read the menu close enough to see that there was ham in the dish! It wasn’t a big deal though, I just took one of the scallops off the plate and let Ian have the other two plus the sofrito. I don’t think he minded too much 😉

Now after all that food you’d think we’d be stuffed right? Wrong. The plates were so small (except for the patatas) that we both were not full. Unfortunately, none of the non-meat items looked good at the moment so we left the restaurant a little hungry.

No worries though, there’s a small ice cream/coffee bar/custard shop just down the street from the tapas bar that we had been waiting for an excuse to try ;).

Ian got this amazing-looking stacked banana split with custard, whipped cream, etc.(think banana split in cup-form) and I had a single scoop of pistachio ice cream.

Mmm pistachio ice cream is my favorite, but I must have looked really silly walking around Chicago in the winter, eating an ice cream cone, and wearing gloves 😛 . Totally worth it though and the small cone was the perfect amount to satisfy my sweet tooth!

After dessert, we headed home and caught up on t.v. (ahem… Friday Night Lights) and I’m happy to say I was tucked in bed before midnight. I like to sleep on my weekends!

I woke up hungry this morning so I decided to make steel cut oats for breakfast. I added 1/4 cup of oats, 3/4 cup of water, 1 tsp chia seeds, and then about 5 cashews to the pot and warmed it over medium high heat. Once the oats started to thicken, I added in 1/2 a smushed banana, cinnamon, and vanilla extract. I let the oats cook for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, and then added some almond milk for creaminess.

While my oats cooked, I enjoyed some french roast coffee with my new favorite coffee creamer, Coffee Mate’s Peppermint Mocha.

While it’s not the healthiest of creamers, it does taste pretty good, and it brings me back to the days of Starbuck’s Peppermint Mocha (well, almost!).

Once my oats were done, I topped them with some thawed and warmed strawberries and a mixture of peanut flour, water, and maple syrup.

I don’t know if the way I cooked the steel cut oats was very different from last time, but I definitely liked them more this morning!

Plans for today include homework, a short run, and some quality Ian/Sonic-time.

Do you make steel-cut oats? How do you normally prepare them?

What are your Saturday plans?

Workin’ for the Weekend

Happy Wednesday! How is everyone holding up? Only three more school/work days until the weekend 🙂

Last night, I made Jenna’s Orange Peel Shrimp. I know a couple other bloggers have bookmarked this recipe and all I have to say is make it ASAP 😉

Ian and I may have gotten a little carried away with zesting though and our shrimp were a little on the bitter side. But it was nothing a little rice couldn’t handle.

I had about 5-ish shrimp with some white rice (leftover from Joy Yee) and a glass of Chardonnay.

Dinner was early so a couple of hours later I mixed some pumpkin, peanut flour, almond milk, and pumpkin butter in a glass and topped it with granola and raisins.

I woke up this morning extremely achey and lethargic. I somehow managed to motivate myself to get ready to run and headed out for my mid-week 10 miler. Almost a mile into the run I started to feel better, my muscles loosened up and running became easy. My body felt so good this morning, I almost wish I could have knocked out my weekly long run today!

This morning I tried Lilveggiepatch‘s version of Oatless Oats. I followed the recipe pretty closely except I added raisins, pumpkin pie spice, and maple syrup and used unsweetened almond milk instead of flax milk.

I topped mine with a sliced banana and a sunflower seed butter drizzle. Yum!

Around 10 p.m. last night, Ian and I realized that we hadn’t seen Sonic in awhile. We looked all around the apartment but still no dice. Finally, out of the corner of my eye, I saw this little head peeking out of Ian’s backpack.

“Daddy is it take your son to work day?”

Have a good one guys!


This morning I had one of the greatest workouts. Don’t you love that feeling? My body is tired and energized at the same time 😀

Monday is normally my off-day because I choose to do my long runs on Sunday. However, my schedule got screwed up this week when I chose to run 14 miles on Saturday instead of the usual Sunday. So, I figured I’d take Sunday off and let my legs recover from my run and then use Monday as a free workout day to do whatever I like (instead of focusing on the BM).

My mom gave me some new swim toys for Christmas, so I decided to finally put them to good use. FYI many pools provide these and you wouldn’t need to purchase them, mine however does not.

I also wanted to run a few miles today, just to loosen my legs, so I figured I would just take care of that while at the gym. I packed a bag full of my workout gear- kickboard, swim buoy, towel, goggles, swim plan, glasses case, contacts, change of clothes, gym shoes, socks, ipod, etc.

The bag was stuffed!

It was totally worth it though. I swam a total of 1,800 yards using a modified version of my interval workout including lots of pulls and kicks (needed to use my new toys) and then hit the treadmill for 3 miles of running intervals. I warmed up at 7.5 and then alternated between 7.6 and 8.7 staying at each speed for 2 minutes. Whew!

When I got home I threw together a quick and easy breakfast. I started with a little more than 1/2 cup of greek yogurt mixed with peanut flour, maple syrup, and some almond milk to thin it out and then topped it with 1/2 a sliced banana.

And then I also had a small piece of custard spoon bread from yesterday’s brunch.

I ended up crumbling most of the bread into the yogurt mix and eating it like a parfait.

No coffee yet, hydration first!

Last night
Ian and I decided not to go out last night and spent most of the evening glued to our couch watching Netflix. We did manage to get off our butts long enough to assemble an easy dinner though 😛

I had some leftover mushroom stroganoff that I doctored by adding some spinach and some shredded cheese. I liked it better this way, what doesn’t taste better with cheese?

For dessert I had a few spoonfuls of ricotta cheese mixed with cranberry jam and granola.

Why was dessert not the usual ice cream/ cookies/ other concoction? Ian and I are giving up traditional desserts for the month of January. This is not an attempt to lose weight or anything like that per say, we just want to see if we can do it. So for the month of January “dessert” has to be something with nutritional value i.e. fruit, yogurt, small handul of almonds, etc and I’m trying really hard to steer away from cereals or granola that often lead me to mindless snacking.

It’s going to be hard but I think it will be good for us to break the routine.

Have you ever given up anything that you love for an extended period of time? Were you successful?