Hazy Weather and Running with Colds

The weather this winter has been so weird. This past weekend was freezing, yesterday was warm and sunny (45 degrees), and this morning its 40 degrees, foggy, and rainy. However, the temperature is supposed to drop during the day and we’re predicted to get snow this afternoon.

Chicago, please make up your mind, is it winter or is it spring?

Anyway, the rain and fog meant I couldn’t run outside in the dark this morning so I hit the gym for an easy 5 mile treadmill run. Still no pain in my ankle, so I think I’m in the clear, but I’m going to take it easy the next few days just in case.

Breakfast was nothing fancy.

I toasted an Ezekiel 7-Sprouted Grains English muffin (my fave) and topped half with orange cranberry spread and the other with cream cheese and apple pie preserves (it works, I promise ;)). I also had a clementine (x2), an Adora disc, and some Starbucks blonde roast with soy creamer.

Breakfast is always better with friends 🙂

In running news, recent research has indicated that moderate exercise might actually decrease your risk of upper respiratory track infection by one-third, whereas strenuous exercise actually increases risk of URTI’s. Strenuous work-outs include training for long distance races.

What do you guys think? In your experience is this true? Are strenuous workouts worth the risk?

The long weekend is over, back to reality!

2 thoughts on “Hazy Weather and Running with Colds

  1. I just spotted your blog from Meghann’s at Meals and Miles, so I hope you don’t mind me dropping in. 🙂 I would agree with the article that strenuous exercise leads to infection. Lots of hard exercise lowers your immune system, and I can definitely attest to that! I’ve had bronchitis and a sinus infection for the past three weeks and it’s FINALLY clearing up. I’m training for my first marathon, though, and I wasn’t surprised when it happened. The same happened during Olympic tri training. To me, though, it’s worth it!

    • Thank you for stopping by! I agree too, I get sick more frequently when I am training for marathons than when I’m not. It could also be because I go out running in 20 degree weather though! Either way it’s definitely worth it in my book 🙂

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